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Nascer do sol (assim chamado) em Sagres, Portugal



April 13, 2024

The Apocalypse of John the Apostle



* Qui ſedect ſuper gyrum terrae,1 & habitatores eius ſunt quaſi locuſtae: qui extendit velut nihilum caelos, & expandit eos ſicut tabernaculum ad inhabitandum.
prophetia isaiae, xl: 22, Biblia Sacra, Vvlgatae Editionis (1598 A.D.)2

✝ He that ſitteth vpon the compaſſe of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as locuſtes: he that ſtretcheth out the heauens as nothing, & ſpreddeth them as a tent to dwel in.
the prophecie of isaie, xl: 22, Holie Bible, Doway-Rhemes Edition (1582, 1609, 1610 A.D.)3,4,5,6


It would seem that contemporary society in general has a disturbing propensity for either accepting or tolerating many falsehoods, and particularly in the latter case, necessarily exhibiting a high level of collective, cognitive dissonance. In some instances, the greater the falsehood presented, the greater its acceptance or tolerance. This is particularly troublesome in the sciences, where, notwithstanding the repeated claim that scientists are inherently and culturally objective and dispassionate, certain concepts and theories are embraced or taken for granted without any direct empirical evidence. While it would be outside the scope of this website to address the problem systemically, the magnitude and implications of the problem exposited herein should be sufficient for the reader to question the extent of critical thinking generally in most if not all fields of contemporary scientific and academic inquiry.

The Particular Problem of Heliocentrism and Its (Allegedly Spheroidal) Earth

The currently accepted, heliocentric view or model of the large-scale structure of the earth’s surface is (for the most part) that of an approximate sphere, i.e., essentially a sphere but flattened at the poles and bulged at the equator, ostensibly because of the earth’s alleged, diurnal rotation; see The Early Modern Period: Copernicus to Newton (1543–1726). That view actually subsumes the earth’s aforementioned (alleged) diurnal rotation about its (alleged) axis as well as its (alleged) annual revolution about the sun. The heliocentric view also subsumes a false but otherwise grandiose cosmology, the essential basis of which was completed in the nineteenth century under the rubric of so-called modern astronomy or new astronomy, the latter term being mentioned, for example, by Agnes Clerke in her history of nineteenth century astronomy.7

Heliocentrism flourished during the nineteenth century, becoming ensconced in public education. By the latter half of the nineteenth century and into the twentieth century, heliocentric philosophy was being presented in popular, comprehensive textbooks on astronomy that were suitable for entry level, post-secondary education in the physical sciences,8 textbooks for what would be required by those seeking a liberal education,9 and textbooks for an even broader audience.10 The resultant heliocentric hegemony in education is ultimately responsible for the naturalistic philosophy and evolutionistic scientism that pervades academic and popular culture today.11

In the present century, the mensuration of the spheroidal model is exposited under the aegis of World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84).12 The extent to which that view is based upon culturalized propaganda rather than science is revealed by its almost universal, implicit acceptance in lieu of direct empirical verification. And its acceptance is necessarily implicit in the face of the obvious institutional consequences of its rejection. Nevertheless, unless and until such a view or model is able to survive the scrutiny of the scientific method, it remains what it is, embodied within its sole existential attribute: the sophistical foundation of secular humanism and modernism with its concomitant woefully scientistic culture in absolute and exclusive servitude to worldwide totalitarian interests.


PLANE GEODESY exists to provide critical-thinking readers with compelling and definitive, empirical evidence, together with conclusive, supporting analyses, confirming the large-scale structure of the earth’s surface to be planar rather than spheroidal, the singular, inescapable subsumption being the veracity of the traditional Christian doctrine of creation and concomitant vanquishment of the modernist sophistry of naturalism and its current, untenable, scientistic infrastructure as popularly manifested through the many banalities associated with the perditious and false doctrines of cosmological, geological, and biological evolutionism.

Toward the objective of establishing irrefutably, the traditional and geodetic basis for this paradigm shift, new web pages or sections thereof will be added to this website whenever a definitive conclusion has been reached on any specific aspect of or corollary to the planar model of the large-scale structure of the earth’s surface or its subsumed cosmology. Additionally, JavaScript calculators are included to promote and assist independent verification of the empirical results reported under Spheroidal Earth Refuted: Experimental Proof of a Planar Earth or elsewhere; see for example, (Allegedly Spheroidal) Earth Calculator I: W/O Tropo[spheric] Refraction.

Empirical Investigations Must Follow the Scientific Method

It cannot be overstated that whereas the primary matter of the large-scale structure of the earth’s surface is fully within the grasp of the The Scientific Method,13,14 readers are advised to use whatever optical, electronic, analytical, and other means at their disposal to independently verify what is being presented in this website while stepping back for a moment from the deluge of culturalized propaganda that continues to promote (even amongst those who should know better) the current sophistical, spheroidal model of the large-scale structure of the earth's surface.

It follows that under no circumstances does this website patronize or promote the views of any self-proclaimed or popularized authority on this matter, whether that authority (so-called) be an individual, public or private institution, or corporate entity. Additionally, this website does not patronize or promote sensationalist hearsay or any other material reflective of unprofessional methods or conduct. On the other hand, this website will report on any relevant and repeatable observations or empirically-based conclusions published by researchers adhering to established scientific and technical methodologies.

Argumentation Must Follow the Method of Saint Thomas Aquinas

Arguments derived from non-empirical but otherwise compelling evidence or insights are also considered provided such arguments thereof are presented to the epistemological standard set by Saint Thomas Aquinas, the methodology of which is embodied in his Summa Theologica and depicted briefly in Appendix I: Creation and the Method of Saint Thomas Aquinas.

This Website Upholds Traditional Roman Catholicism

Finally, whereas this website upholds traditional Roman Catholicism, arguments based on the Holy Bible concerning the large-scale structure of the earth’s surface, or subsumptions thereof, will—for reasons provided under the SCRIPTURE folder, specifically, Part A: The Original and Uncorrupted Douay-Rheims Bible (1582, 1609, 1610 A.D.) and Part B: The Corrupted Challoner Revision of the Douay-Rheims Holy Bible (1749–1752)—only be reported if the holy scripture quoted or referenced is from either the traditional (Latin) Biblia Sacra, Vvlgatae Editionis (1598 A.D. edition or an earlier edition), or the original, uncorrupted (Early Modern English) Holie Bible, Doway-Rhemes Edition (1582, 1609, 1610 A.D.), both of which are accessible online.

The reader will observe that in this website, verses from the Holy Bible are quoted first in Latin followed by the (in this case, Early Modern English) vernacular. The reason for this is simple: Latin is a sacred language and is the traditional language of the Roman Catholic Church.

Fr. Chad Ripperger explains the sacredness of the Latin language as follows during an interview by Dr. Taylor Marshall:

[...] If you actually look at the Fathers of the Church, they say that the reason a language is sacred is not because it’s in scripture by the way—everyone thinks that’s why they’re sacred—although there’s a certain sense in which that’s true too. But the primary reason that it’s sacred is because of the fact that the languages of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew were fixed to the instrument of our salvation which is the cross. So that’s why they’re actually sacred.15 [...]

Hence, the reader is referred to John 19:19–20 as follows:

* 19 Scripſit autem & titulum Pilatus : & poſuit ſuper crucem. Erat autem ſcriptum : Ieſus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum. * 20 Hunc ergo titulum multi Iudaeorum legerunt : quia prope ciuitatem erat locus, vbi crucufixus eſt Ieſus : Et erat ſcriptum Hebraice, Graece, & Latine.
sanctvm iesv christi evangelivm secvndvm ioannem. xix:19–20, Biblia Sacra, Vvlgatae Editionis (1598 A.D.)

19 And Pilate vvrote a title alſo : and he put it vpon the croſſe. And it vvas vvritten, Iesvs of Nazareth the king of the Ievves. † 20 This title therfore many of the Ievves did reade : becauſe the place vvhere Iesvs vvas crucified, vvas nigh to the citie : and it vvas vvritten in Hebrevv, in Greeke, and in Latin.
Theſe three tongues being for other cauſes moſt famous before in al the world, are now alſo dedicated to God in the triumphãs title of the croſſe of Chriſt, and in them the holy Scriptures are more conueniently written, taught, & preſerued.

the holy gospel of iesvs christ according to iohn. xix:19–20, Holie Bible, Doway-Rhemes Edition (1582, 1609, 1610 A.D.)

NOTE: Our friends in western Iberia and the Azores are advised that in addition to English, the Abstract for the web page titled Spheroidal Earth Refuted: Experimental Proof of a Planar Earth is provided in Português, Español, and Galego respectively.

  1. Words or phrases in scriptural verses that are relevant to the argument for planar earth geocentrism are highlighted in bold reddish-brown font. Dictionary translations or definitions of those words or phrases are highlighted in bold black font.↩️

  2. BIBLIA SACRA VVLGATAE EDITIONIS, SIXTI V.P.M. IVSSV recognita atque edita. ROMAE. Ex Typographia Vaticana. M. D. XCVIII.↩️

  3. THE NEVV TESTAMENT OF IESVS CHRIST, TRANSLATED FAITHFVLLY INTO ENGLISH, out of the authentical Latin, according to the beſt corrected copies of the ſame, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages: Vvith Argvments of bookes and chapters, Annotations, and other neceſſarie helpes, for the better vnderſtanding of the text, and ſpecially for the diſcouerie of the Corrvptions of diuers late tranſlations, and for cleering the Controversies in religion, of theſe daies: In the English College of Rhemes. PRINTED AT RHEMES, by Iohn Fogny. 1582.↩️

  4. THE HOLIE BIBLE FAITHFVLLY TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH, OVT OF THE AVTHENTICAL LATIN. Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other Editions in diuers languages. With Argvments of the Bookes, and Chapters: Annotations: Tables: and other helpes, for better vnderſtanding of the text: for diſcouerie of Corrvptions in ſome late tranſlations: and for clearing Controversies in Religion. By the English College of Doway. Printed at Doway by Lavrence Kellam, at the ſigne of the holie Lambe. M. DC. IX.↩️

  5. THE SECOND TOME OF THE HOLIE BIBLE FAITHFVLLY TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH, OVT OF THE AVTHENTICAL LATIN. Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other Editions in diuers languages. With Argvments of the Bookes, and Chapters: Annotations: Tables: and other helpes, for better vnderſtanding of the text: for diſcouerie of Corrvptions in ſome late tranſlations: and for clearing Controversies in Religion. By the English College of Doway. Printed at Doway by Lavrence Kellam, at the ſigne of the holie Lambe. M. DC. X.↩️

  6. The operative word from the above referenced Latin translation of Isaiah 40:22 is gyrum, that has the distinctive and definitive, geometric meaning of circle, ring; circuit; course; circular course for training/racing horses (from William Whitaker’s Words at Indeed, the sixteenth century (Latin–English) Dictionary of Thomas Elyot (published in 1538, a facsimile of which was reprinted by The Scolar Press Limited in Menston, England in 1970) translates gyrus (the nominative form) as a cyrcute or compaſſe (i.e., compass), again, distinctively and definitively circular. And therefore, the Holy Bible infers (in the uncorrupted earlier translations) by the phrase gyrum terrae or compaſſe of the earth, that the large-scale structure of the earth’s surface is that of a (2-dimensional) circular plane, not a (3-dimensional) spheroid. The structural foundations, immovability, and natural cosmology of that plane are categorically described throughout the Holy Bible, examples of which are included under the SCRIPTURE folder, specifically, Part C: Bible Verses Confirming Planar Earth Geocentrism.↩️

  7. Agnes M. Clerke, A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century (London: Adam and Charles Black, 1908), Preface to the First Edition [1885], p. vii.↩️

  8. See for example, Elias Loomis, A Treatise on Astronomy (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1866).↩️

  9. Charles A. Young, A Text-book of General Astronomy for Colleges and Scientific Schools (Boston: Ginn & Company, 1889), Preface, p. v.↩️

  10. Charles A. Young, Manual of Astronomy, A Text-book (Boston: Ginn & Company, 1902), Preface, p. iii. Whereas Young’s General Astronomy was written for the liberally educated, his Manual of Astronomy would have presumably served even broader educational interests as its preface indicates that it was written in response to demand for a textbook intermediate to his Elements of Astronomy and his General Astronomy.↩️

  11. Its prevalance and pervasivness in popular culture notwithstanding, heliocentrism is easily disproven (see Heliocentrism Refuted: Experimental Proof of a Stationary Earth). Moreover, it has been categorically disproven historically; see Heliocentrism Refuted: The Airy Experiment (1871), Heliocentrism Refuted: The Michelson Experiment (1881), Heliocentrism Refuted: The Michelson-Morley Experiment (1887).↩️

  12. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Standardization Document (Office of Geomatics), Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984: Its Definition and Relationships with Local Geodetic Systems (NGA.STND.0036_1.0.0_WGS84), Version 1.0.0, 2014-07-08, p. 3-4, Table B.1 WGS 84 Defining Parameters.↩️

  13. Cf. Hugh G. Gauch, Jr., Scientific Method in Practice (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).↩️

  14. Cf. Hugh G. Gauch, Jr., Scientific Method in Brief (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012).↩️

  15. Fr. Chad Ripperger interviewed by Dr. Taylor Marshall: (live streamed April 15, 2021). Watch the entire discussion on the Latin language from minute 31:50 to minute 40:04.↩️

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