Nota Bene: Before proceeding, the reader is advised to review our post titled, PREFATORY TO THE TRANSCRIPTION OF THE APOCALYPSE OF JOHN THE APOSTLE as well as our post titled, THE ARGVMENT OF THE APOCALYPSE OF S. IOHN. The reader is also advised that the source text of THE APOCALYPSE OF IOHN THE APOSTLE — CHAPTER IIII transcribed herewith can be accessed online by referring to pp. 706–708 of the original Rheims New Testament through the following link: THE NEVV TESTAMENT OF IESVS CHRIST, TRANSLATED FAITHFVLLY INTO ENGLISH, out of the authentical Latin, according to the beſt corrected copies of the ſame, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages: Vvith Argvments of bookes and chapters, Annotations, and other neceſſarie helpes, for the better vnderſtanding of the text, and ſpecially for the diſcouerie of the Corrvptions of diuers late tranſlations, and for cleering the Controversies in religion, of theſe daies: In the English College of Rhemes. PRINTED AT RHEMES, by Iohn Fogny. 1582.
Chap. IIII.
The 2 part. firſt, the booke with 7 ſeales : ſecõdly, 7 Angels with trumpets.
1. A doore being open in heauen, he savv one ſitting in a throne, 4 and round about him foure and tvventie ſeniors ſitting, 6 and the foure beaſtes here deſcribed, 9 vvhich vvith the 24 ſeniors continually glorified him that ſate in the throne.
The 2 vision.
In which is repreſented vnto vs the glorie and maieſtie of God in heauen, and the inceſſant honour & praiſes of al Angels and Saincts aſsiſting him. Vvhich is reſembled in the daily honour done to him by al orders and ſortes of holy men in the Church militant alſo.
1. After theſe thinges I looked, and behold a doore open in heauen, and the firſt voice which I heard, vvas as it vvere of a trompet ſpeaking vvith me, ſaying, Come vp hither, and I vvil ſhevv thee the thinges vvhich musſt be done quickly after theſe. † 2. Immediatly I vvas in ſpirit: and behold there vvas a ſeate ſette in heauen, and vpon the ſeate one ſitting. † 3. And he that ſate, vvas like in ſight, to the Iaſper ſtone, and the Sardine : and there vvas a raine-bovv round about the ſeate, like to the ſight of an Emeraud. † 4. And round about the ſeate, foure and tvventie ſeates : and vpon the thrones, foure and twentie ſeniors ſitting, clothed about in vvhite garmentes, and on their heades crovvnes of gold.
† 5. And from the throne proceeded lightenings, and voices, and thunders : and ſeuen lampes burning before the throne, vvhich are the ſeuen Spirites of God. † 6. And in the ſight of the ſeate, as it vvere a ſea of glaſſe like to cryſtall : and in the middes of the ſeate and round about the ſeate ⸬ foure beaſtes ful of eies before and behind.⸬ Theſe foure beaſtes, and the like deſcribed Ezech.1. by the iudgement of the holy Doctors ſignifie the 4 Euangeliſtes, and in them al true preachers. the man Mathevv. the liõ, Marke: the calfe, Luke: the egle, Iohn: See the cauſes hereof in the Summe of the 4 Euangeliſt. pag. 1. S. Grego. in 1 Ezech. † 7. And the firſt beaſt, like to a lion:and the ſecond beaſt, like to a calfe: and the third beaſt, hauing the face as it vvere of a man: and the fourth beaſt, like to an egle flying. † 8. And the foure beaſtes, euery one of them had fixe vvinges round about : and vvithin they are ful of eies. and they had no reſt day and night, ſaying ″ Holy, Holy, Holy,1 Eſ.6,3. Lord God omnipotent, vvhich vvas, and vvhich is, and vvhich ſhal come. † 9. And vvhen thoſe beaſtes gaue glorie and honour and benediction to him that ſitteth vpon the throne, that liueth for euer and euer : † 10. the foure and tvventie ſeniors fel dovvne before him that ſitteth on the throne, and adored him that liueth for euer and euer, and caſt their crownes before the throne, ſaying, † 11. Thou art vvorthie O Lord our God to receiue glorie and honour and povver : becauſe thou haſt created al thinges, and for thy vvil they vvere and haue been created.
Chap. IIII.
Chap. IIII.
8. Holy, holy, holy.] The Sanctus thriſe repeated. This vvord is thriſe repeated here, and Eſa. 6: and to the imitation thereof, in the ſeruice of the holy Church, at Te Deum, and at Maſſe, ſpecially in the Preface next before the great myſteries, for the honour of the three perſons in the B. Trinitie, and that the Church militant may ioyne vvith the triumphant, and vvith al the orders of the Angels, vvho alſo are preſent at the conſecration, and doe ſervice there to our common Lord and Maiſter. as S. Chryſoſtom vvriteth li. 6 de Sacerdotio. and ho. 1. de verb. Eſa. to. 1. The Greekes call it, the hymne Triſagies, that is, Thriſe holy.↩️